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2009 Tour de Peninsula: August 2nd

See YouTube Antenna crank-up on this page
Well it is over, and I am recovering, I hope. I am of course refer to Tour de Peninsula 2009 bike ride. I want to thank each and every one of you for your outstanding service for TDP 2009.

I have not been in contact with the event organizers yet but I had not heard of any issues. All in all, this was a great event and all deserve a big thanks. We had about 1200 participants.

We did have some medical calls but no transports to hospital that I know of. We had a banged up arm that was treated & the rider continued I believe. We had road rashes & a possible broken finger.

We had experienced & new Hams with us. We utilized 3 Ham radio nets and I would like to thank the repeater owners for the use of their equipment. We had good to great coverage on the WA6TOW, K6MPN & KC6ULT repeaters. We use the backup system N6ZX repeater a little.

And now, here is the TDP communications team that deserves all the thanks:

Tony Ciak KF6QAJ
Ron Green KG6RLG
Madeline Lombaerde KD6JTU
Robert Lombaerde WB6WGM
Burleigh Cooper WY3S
Janice McOmber KD6NWI
Gary Vielbaum N6SHR
Tim Olson KI6VNH
Diana Rehfield KI6GDA
Stan Ackerman WD6BMC
Gwen Jeong KI6HJJ
F Bong San Pablo KQ6VJ
Bert Jutras KD6BXZ
Lindsay Jones K6LMJ
David Lintott KI6JLK
Jane Lintott KI6JLL
Shawn Storm, PEAF6AR
David Ellison K6DHE
Dick Nelson KF6BXG
Eric Lipanovich KI6AOC
Bill Burns K6HAX
Peter Liljequist AA6PL
June Welch KF6WPQ

Thank you all. You are all truly a dedicated group.
Please send me any comments. We will include them into
our debrief meeting with the event organizers. Your
helpful comments do aid in the planning and are appreciated.

Thanks again. You are all great a did a great job.

Thank You from Richard Tidd KE6HNY, KAF4732
callsign at 815-927-0154
Comm Boss for Tour de Peninsula

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